5 Contractor Insurance Mistakes Decision-Makers Must Avoid

Insurance Mistakes

5 Contractor Insurance Mistakes Decision-Makers Must Avoid


This article underscores the overarching theme that with information and strategic safeguards, decision-makers can navigate the complexities of the top insurance mistakes for contractors.


Just as a master builder wouldn’t start a project without a solid foundation, no contractor should venture into a project without the security blanket of well-thought-out insurance coverage. Now, you might ask, “Isn’t that obvious?” Well, if it were, we wouldn’t be discussing the top insurance mistakes for contractors.

The alarming reality is that many in the field overlook or underplay the significance of adequate insurance. And the cold hard fact is that in 100 countries worldwide, the average cost claimed in disputes was about $98.7 million per project, more than a third of the capital expenditure.

Dive deeper, and you’ll notice that a sizeable portion of these claims could have been avoided with better foresight and more informed decision-making. Why is that? It’s a mix of unawareness, misinformation, and sometimes, just the hustle and bustle of the industry pushing insurance to the back burner.

But here’s the thing – push it back, and it’ll come forward with a vengeance, often in the form of unforeseen expenses and missed opportunities. That’s why it’s more important than ever to address the top insurance mistakes for contractors so you are well-equipped to avoid insurance pitfalls as a contractor and make decisions that truly protect your vision, team, and wallet.

So, What are The Top Insurance Mistakes for Contractors

Mistake 1: Not Having Adequate Coverage

Most contractors are in the predicament of being underinsured. The ramifications? Massive out-of-pocket expenses that potentially harm a project or even a business. And if a contractor is not underinsured, they forget to check their policy exclusions.

Every insurance policy has its boundaries, often detailed in the “exclusions” section. These exclusions define what the policy won’t cover. Many contractors face underinsurance challenges stemming from policy exclusions they were unaware of.

Here is a 4-Fact Contractor Insurance Intelligent Guide for Executives for you to follow.

Mistake 2: Skipping Out on Specialized Coverage Types

One of the top insurance mistakes for contractors is failing to recognize that construction isn’t a one-size-fits-all industry. So, why should insurance be? Risk management for contractors requires specialized coverages that are tailor-made for nuanced needs.

For instance, environmental coverage is crucial for projects that might impact the surrounding ecosystem, ensuring that any inadvertent damages are covered. Similarly, an installation floater can cover equipment and materials from when they’re transported to when they’re installed.

Yet, many contractors are flying blind here: decision-makers in the contracting business aren’t even aware of these specialized coverages. The cost of this oversight can be a nasty surprise during a crisis.

Mistake 3: Overlooking Workers’ Compensation

In a rush to cut costs, some contractors skimp on workers’ compensation. Big mistake. If an employee gets injured on the job, the contractor can face heavy penalties and be on the hook for medical bills and lost wages. Plus, it’s legally mandated in most jurisdictions. The message? Prioritize it. No exceptions.

Mistake 4: Ignoring Contractual Risk Transfer

It’s a powerful risk management for contractors tool that allows one party to shift potential risk to another. For instance, subcontractors can be responsible for certain insurance-related aspects instead of leaving the entire responsibility to contractors.

However, mishandling this can lead to voided coverage or hefty legal fees. The key? Understand each clause and work closely with legal and insurance professionals to get it right.

Mistake 5: Failing to Review Insurance Policies Regularly

Lastly, one of the top insurance mistakes for contractors is failing to review insurance policies regularly. The construction landscape evolves – expect new technologies, varied projects, and changing regulations.

An insurance policy that seemed comprehensive two years ago might be inadequate today. If your insurance policy is stuck in the past, it won’t serve you in the present. Decision-makers should earmark time annually, if not semi-annually, to review and adjust their insurance coverage.


How can you Avoid Insurance Pitfalls as a Contractor?

For Inadequate Coverage:

  • Regularly assess the total value of your assets, operations, and potential liabilities. This helps adjust your coverage as the value of assets fluctuates or as you acquire new assets.
  • Diligence is Key: Always read the fine print. If something is unclear, don’t hesitate to seek clarification.
  • Consult with Experts: An insurance broker or a legal consultant can provide valuable insights into potentially ambiguous or harmful exclusions. Their expertise can help in identifying coverage gaps and recommending suitable policies.
  • Conduct a Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Risk management for contractors means evaluating all potential risks associated with your projects and operations. This includes common risks like property damages or worker injuries to more specific risks tailored to your niche or geographic location.
  • Factor in Future Growth: If you anticipate your business growing, expanding into new areas, or taking on larger projects, factor that into your coverage decisions. This way, as your business evolves, your insurance is already primed to cover the expansion.
  • Bundle Where Possible: Consider package policies or Business Owner’s Policies (BOPs) that bundle various coverages together. These can often provide more comprehensive coverage and fill potential gaps.
  • Keep Up with Industry Standards and Regulations: Stay informed about industry-specific insurance requirements or regulations, primarily if you operate in multiple jurisdictions. This ensures you’re adequately covered and compliant with any mandatory insurance stipulations.
  • Maintain an Emergency Fund: While this isn’t directly related to insurance, having a financial cushion can be helpful if you ever face a claim exceeding your coverage limits.
  • Educate Your Team: Ensure that your team, especially those in managerial or supervisory roles, understands the importance of insurance. They can be your eyes and ears on the ground, identifying potential risks and ensuring all activities align with insurance provisions.

For Specialized Coverage Types:

  • Understand Your Business Inside and Out: Deep dive into the nature of your projects. Are you working on environmentally sensitive sites? Engaging in high-risk activities? Recognize the nuances of your operations to determine which specialized coverages are crucial.
  • Engage in continuous learning: Attend industry seminars, webinars, and discussions that shed light on niche insurance products. Analyze past incidents, both from your business and industry-wide. Such case studies can highlight scenarios where specialized coverage would have been beneficial.
  • Collaborate with a Knowledgeable Insurance Broker: Partner with a broker specializing in the construction industry. They’ll know the niche coverages that could benefit your specific business model and projects.
  • Read Policy Exclusions Thoroughly: By understanding what’s NOT covered in your standard policy, you can identify areas where specialized coverage might be necessary.
  • Monitor Regulatory Changes: Sometimes, regulatory bodies introduce mandates requiring specialized coverage (e.g., environmental protection). Stay compliant by keeping an eye on evolving industry regulations.
  • Consider Project-Specific Policies: For unique or high-risk projects, consider taking out a policy specifically for that project’s duration, which includes the specialized coverage you need.

For Workers’ Compensation:

It’s simple—never compromise on it. Factor it into your costs from the get-go.

  • Recognize the Legal Implications: Workers’ compensation is not optional in most jurisdictions—it’s a legal requirement. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, legal actions, and even the suspension of business operations.
  • Stay Updated on Local and State Regulations: Workers’ compensation requirements vary widely based on location. Ensure you’re familiar with the specific mandates of each state or region where you operate.
  • Budget Appropriately: Never view workers’ compensation as a burdensome cost. Instead, factor it into your project budgets from the outset, recognizing it as a necessary investment in your team’s well-being and your business’s sustainability.
  • Regularly Review Coverage Limits: As your workforce grows or the nature of your projects changes, the coverage limits you initially set might become insufficient. Periodically review and adjust these limits to ensure they align with your current operations.
  • Foster a Culture of Safety: The best way to avoid workers’ compensation claims is to prevent accidents in the first place. Regular safety training, stringent protocols, and investment in safety equipment can reduce the likelihood of incidents.
  • Collaborate with a Trusted Insurance Provider: Choose an insurance provider or broker who understands the construction industry and can guide you in tailoring a workers’ compensation policy that fits your specific needs.
  • Educate Your Employees: Ensure they know their rights and benefits under workers’ compensation. This builds trust and ensures that claims are processed smoothly should the need arise.
  • Audit Your Coverage with Project Changes: If you’re transitioning from smaller projects to larger infrastructural work or diversifying into areas like demolition or excavation, your risk profile changes. Adjust your workers’ compensation policy accordingly.
  • Document Everything: Maintain meticulous records of all safety protocols, training, and incidents. This documentation can be invaluable in the event of a claim or dispute.
  • Consider Experience Modification Rate (EMR): Your EMR, which reflects your company’s safety record compared to others in your industry, can impact your workers’ compensation premiums. By maintaining a strong safety record, you can potentially lower your insurance costs.

For Contractual Risk Transfer:

  • Understand the Basics of CRT: Before diving into complex contracts, familiarize yourself with the core principles of Contractual Risk Transfer. It’s about understanding what risks can be transferred, how, and to whom.
  • Work with Legal Experts: Given the intricate nature of contracts and the potential implications of getting them wrong, always consult with legal professionals experienced in construction contracts when drafting, reviewing, or revising agreements.
  • Clearly Define Responsibilities: Ambiguity is the enemy of effective CRT. Be explicit in contracts about who bears responsibility for specific risks, liabilities, and insurance requirements.
  • Verify Insurance Requirements: When transferring risk, ensure the party assuming the risk has the necessary insurance coverages. Request and review Certificates of Insurance (COIs) to confirm they meet stipulated requirements.
  • Include Indemnification Clauses: These clauses can require one party to compensate or “indemnify” the other for any specified risks or liabilities. Ensure they’re worded clearly and are enforceable in your jurisdiction.
  • Use Additional Insured Provisions: By having your business named as an “additional insured” on another party’s policy, you can further safeguard against potential risks arising from their actions or oversights.
  • Stay Updated on Local Legislation: CRT laws can vary by jurisdiction, with some places having “anti-indemnity” laws that restrict certain risk transfers. Staying abreast of local legislation ensures your contracts remain compliant and enforceable.
  • Continually Review and Adjust Contracts: Contracts may need revisions as projects evolve or new information comes to light. Ensure they’re living documents, updated to reflect all parties’ current reality and needs.
  • Educate Subcontractors and Partners: Ensure all parties understand their responsibilities, especially if they’re smaller entities or those less versed in CRT. This proactive approach can prevent misunderstandings and future disputes.
  • Implement a Systematic Review Process: Before finalizing any contract, have a systematic review process that checks for CRT clauses, ensuring that risks are appropriately allocated and there are no oversights.

For Regular Review of Policies:

As mentioned, set aside time consistently to revisit and, if necessary, revise your insurance policies. At a minimum, review your policies annually. This ensures you’re covered for new risks and aren’t paying for redundant coverages.

  • Stay Abreast of Industry Changes: Be it regulatory shifts or new construction techniques, being in the know ensures your insurance remains relevant.
  • Regularly Review Policies and Terms: Insurance shouldn’t be a ‘set it and forget it’ proposition. Schedule regular reviews, at least annually, to ensure your coverages align with your current Look out for any exclusions or limitations that might render your coverage insufficient.
  • Set Regular Review Milestones: Whether semi-annually, annually, or at the end of major projects, establish fixed intervals for reviewing insurance policies. Mark these on your business calendar to ensure they aren’t overlooked.
  • Engage with a Dedicated Insurance Advisor: Work with an insurance broker or advisor who understands the construction industry. Regular check-ins with them can provide insights into coverage adjustments that may be necessary.
  • Monitor Business Growth and Expansion: If you’re taking on larger projects, expanding into new territories, or diversifying services, these changes can introduce unknown risks. Adjust policies to cater to your business’s current scale and scope.
  • Understand Policy Exclusions and Limits: Periodically revisit the exclusions and limits in your policies. Ensure you’re not exposed to previously deemed irrelevant risks that have become pertinent.
  • Reevaluate Asset Valuations: With market fluctuations, the value of assets (equipment, properties, etc.) can change. Ensure they’re insured at their current replacement cost, not their original purchase price.
  • Check for Overlaps or Redundancies: As you add new policies or make changes, there may be areas of overlap. Regular reviews can help identify and eliminate these redundancies, potentially saving money.
  • Solicit Team Feedback: Your on-ground team can provide insights into emerging risks and challenges. Encourage feedback to ensure your insurance strategy is comprehensive.
  • Periodically Shop the Market: Insurance industry offerings evolve, and premiums fluctuate. By periodically exploring the market, you can ensure you’re getting the best coverage at competitive rates.


Here are Some Risk Management for Contractors Tips to Consider

Tip 1: Invest in Continuous Training

To avoid insurance pitfalls as a contractor, don’t make training just a box to tick; it’s a core pillar of risk management. A well-trained team is better equipped to handle challenges, prevent accidents, and ensure smoother operations. Proper training equips workers with the skills and knowledge to navigate potential hazards, use equipment correctly, and make informed decisions in critical situations. This translates to fewer accidents and, by extension, fewer claims.

Tip 2: Maintain Safety Protocols

Safety protocols are non-negotiables in construction. They’re the guidelines that protect both the workers and the business from the top insurance mistakes for contractors. Insurance companies assess the risk profiles of businesses. Those with stringent and consistently enforced safety protocols are deemed lower risks, often resulting in more favorable premium rates.

Tip 3: Get a Certificate of Insurance for Contractors

Why do you need a certificate of insurance for contractors? It proves that a contractor or business has insurance coverage. It is your measure of due diligence, a detailed proof of your insurance policies, such as the type of coverage, the limits of liability, and the effective policy dates.

Think of the certificate of insurance for contractors as critical risk management for contractors strategy because it covers the contractor, provides credibility for their services, and shows business compliance.

Tip 4: Choose your Preferred Contractor’s Insurance Company Wisely

Your choice of insurance provider can be as impactful as the insurance itself when you want to avoid insurance pitfalls as a contractor. It’s a partnership; like all partnerships, the right fit matters – it can either bolster your business’s security or expose it to unforeseen vulnerabilities.

So, when you choose your preferred contractor’s insurance company, consider their reputation, the comprehensiveness of their policy offerings, responsiveness, claim processing times, and customer reviews.

Also, read about the 5 Effective Must-Knows of Builder’s Risk Insurance for Contractors. It will help you avoid some of the top insurance mistakes for contractors.

Conclusion: It’s proactive, not reactive, thinking.

Like any powerful tool, insurance is only as good as how it’s wielded. Making informed choices can be the difference between a hiccup and a catastrophe. And the construction industry’s challenges are many. But with the right approach to risk management, regular training, due diligence with insurance documentation, and a trusted insurance partner, contractors can build with confidence, knowing they’re protected against the unexpected.